drunkenlovesong asked:

I am going to Hawaii in May and want to get a nice base tan before I leave. I live in Portland, OR, so the chances of me getting a tan is a big, fat zero.

When should I start going to a tanning salon? I tan fairly easily and don’t burn easily.

Tanning Salons
SugarBabe asked:

I have fair skin and anytime I go to the beach I get burned, no matter how much sunblock I put. Besides I read a lot of stuff about the danger of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, that it can cause skin cancer, and many other negative sides of tanning. But I want to know how bad for your skin is indoor tanning. And if it is, what are the options then? Not to tan at all??

believe in miracles asked:

I would like to know if it is safe to do tanning in booths or the mystic tan since I have had Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer of the lympth nodes) back in 2003? Would it give me cancer or increase my chances of it?

Lauren C asked:

I’m going to the tanning bed (yes I know the risks thank you,) and I want an amplifier or enhancer that is really good, and I can see results, any suggestions? Whats the name of it and where can I get it?

Sunless Tanning
West asked:

I have used several shades of Jergen’s Natural Glow and one of my friend says (without knowing the cause) that my skin was looking a little yellow. What is the best brand that gives a natural appearance. I am a fairly light colored caucasion but I do tan. I just don’t want to get too much sun or in a tanning booth because my family ancestry and parents are very succeptable to skin cancer. So I want to avoid repeating a dangerous past….If I don’t get an answer then I won’t be discouraged. A tanned appearance is not everything.